
Ouma’s Boerewors + Safari Droëwors

Original price was: $45.90.Current price is: $34.95.

1 x Crown National’s Ouma’s – Our finest example of a recipe perfected over time. Presenting medium flavor with roasted coriander, Ouma’s is the choice of butchers and their customers in South Africa.

1 x Safari Droëwors – South Africa’s most popular Droewors (Drywors) Seasoning, savored in many countries outside Africa, including the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and even China. This is all seasoning you would need to make your own favorite droewors (drywors).

Ouma’s Boerewors Expiry Date: (09/06/2025)
Safari Droëwors Expiry Date: (05/13/2025)

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Boerewors Seasoning Pack x 1, Boerewors Seasoning Pack x 10 (Bulk & Save)